CANSLIM� Explained
CANSLIM� Explained: "CANSLIM Stocks
How would you know they are poised for an explosive increase in value? It turns out William J. O�Neil pondered the same question. O�Neil is founder and publisher of Investor�s Business Daily, a stock market newspaper. O�Neil has been in the business of providing stock market data to institutional investors since the 1960s. In the course of that business, he created a database containing fundamental and price information on thousands of public companies. O�Neil had the wherewithal to do what you and I would love to do�find the significant attributes of the winners of the past before they took off. He used his massive database to find the 500 biggest gainers in the years 1953 � 1993. Companies like Texas Instruments, Home Depot, etc. Then he analyzed these winners to find the characteristics they had in common before they took off.
O�Neil published the results of his study in a book called 'How to Make Money in Stocks.' O�Neil believes he found the winning formula, the seven basic characteristics most stocks have before enormous price advances. He uses the C-A-N-S-L-I-M acronym to identify the necessary attributes."
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